Photo Point Monitoring

Empower yourself and help public land management as you record visual data about landscapes.

You likely have all the tools you need: a camera, compass, GPS, and notebook. Now learn the skills to be an expert at repeat photo point monitoring.

Photo Point Monitoring Example 1
Photo Point Monitoring Example 2

How to start

Watch the presentation below to learn more about repeat photo point monitoring, then take this survey if you would like field-ready material for repeat photo point monitoring. You can also volunteer for the Monument by using the photo point monitoring skills gained here.

The Training

Repeat Photo Point Monitoring is an inexpensive way to monitor change and impacts to an area through time. These photos provide great qualitative data to support many of our conservation efforts here at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Now watch this video lead by April Johnson. If you would like to support our programs, including trainings like this, please donate today.

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