Resource Management Plan Resources
GSENM Resource Management Plan
- Notice of Intent (NOI) – July 2022 (public scoping opens)
- Analysis of the Management Situation (AMS) – August 24, 2022
- Close of Public Scoping – September 27, 2022
- Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) – August 2023
- 90-day public comment period – August – November 2023
- Proposed RMP/Final EIS – Spring 2024
- Protest Period on Proposed RMP/Final EIS – Summer 2024
- Approved RMP/Record of Decision – Fall 2024
How to Comment
The main channel for submitting noticing comments to the BLM is through the agency e-planning website here. From here, you can review all of the associated documents, maps, and contact information for BLM in the left menu. When you are ready to submit, you can use the button below to take you directly to the form where you can enter your comments and attach any separate files you want to include with your electronic submission.
More Suggestions
- It is often easier and more useful to compose your comments in a second document. You can then easily copy and paste those comments into the form. It is also a good idea to save your comments as a .pdf file, which can then be attached as a file to the comment form. Please keep the pdf file as a record of your comment, and for sharing with others.
- A rich source of ideas to consider in your comments is the National Landscape Conservation System Fifteen Year Strategy, a document that outlines clearly the management goals for NLCS lands, including GSENM. The main theme of the strategy is to use science as the keystone for creating management policies for these lands.
- If you would like GSEP to be aware of your comments: please send them to
The following information is provided by the BLM at this site.
The BLM’s land-use planning process begins with a formal public scoping process to identify planning issues that should be considered in the land management plan. The BLM analyzes these issues and uses them to develop a range of alternative management strategies.
The BLM develops a range of alternatives in a draft RMP and draft EIS. The release of the draft RMP and draft EIS is followed by a 90-day public comment period. Once comments have been reviewed and evaluated, the BLM revises the draft plan, as appropriate, and then releases a proposed RMP and final EIS.
The release of the proposed RMP and final EIS begins a 30-day protest period for any person who previously participated in the planning process and has an interest that is, or may be, adversely affected by the proposed plan. At the same time, the BLM provides the proposed RMP and final EIS to the governors of those states included in the RMP for a 60-day review period to identify any inconsistencies that may exist with state and local plans. After inconsistencies and protests have been considered, the BLM State Director may approve the final RMP.
More BLM Information: